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internet services suspended in sensitive areas;Curfew clamped in Balasore Municipality after Violent group Clashes

 Curfew Clamped in Balasore Municipality Following Violent Clashes

The town of Balasore in Odisha witnessed a severe communal clash on June 17, 2024, prompting the district administration to impose a curfew in the municipality to restore peace and order. Internet services in sensitive areas were also suspended to curb the spread of misinformation and prevent further escalation.

Incident Details

The conflict erupted when locals noticed water in a drain near Pir turning red, leading to rumors and protests. Tensions escalated into violent clashes between two communities, resulting in stone-pelting and significant property damage. The main road between Chandipur and Balasore was blocked, exacerbating the chaos.

Immediate Actions Taken

The local administration swiftly responded by deploying over 40 platoons of police force to control the situation. As of now, 34 individuals have been detained, and multiple FIRs have been registered in connection with the incident. Authorities have also shut down shops, schools, and other institutions to ensure safety and prevent further violence.

Casualties and Damages

The clashes left several people injured, including police personnel. Reports indicate that 15 to 20 vehicles were ransacked and damaged during the turmoil. The imposition of Section 144 aimed to prevent gatherings and further violence, creating a tense but controlled environment in the area.

Official Responses

Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Majhi has appealed for peace and harmony, urging communities to refrain from violence. He has been in constant touch with the district Collector and the Superintendent of Police (SP) to oversee the situation and ensure the safety of residents. The state government has emphasized the importance of maintaining communal harmony and is working diligently to prevent such incidents in the future.

Community Impact

The curfew and suspension of internet services have significantly impacted daily life in Balasore. Residents are urged to stay indoors, and there is a heightened sense of anxiety and unease among the population. The shutdown of essential services and institutions has disrupted normalcy, highlighting the severe consequences of communal violence.

Moving Forward

This incident underscores the critical need for maintaining peace and addressing communal tensions proactively. The government and local authorities must continue to engage with community leaders and stakeholders to foster dialogue and understanding. Efforts to rebuild trust and ensure the safety and security of all residents are paramount in preventing future conflicts.


The violent clash in Balasore serves as a grim reminder of the fragile nature of communal harmony. The swift actions taken by the authorities have been crucial in preventing further escalation, but long-term measures are necessary to address the root causes of such conflicts. Ensuring peace and stability in Balasore will require continued vigilance, dialogue, and community engagement.

For more detailed updates, you can refer to the original Odisha TV report.

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